Life as I know it...

Hello loves <3

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Location: United States

Monday, July 11, 2005

Bubble baths, numbers, work, dancing, and this thing called love.

Changed my banner to match the mood I am currently in.

Anyhoo. I love summer..I want it to go on forever.

So..I realize that the best cure for anything is bubble baths. They are just too lovely. So if you're hurting, feeling stressed, or just need an excuse to get away from the world, go take one now. And stay there until your fingers and toes get that pruny look. oh, and shopping helps, too.

I've also realized that some numbers can make me happy, while others make me terribly sad. I misplaced my I.B. pin number, so I had to call the office, where the kind secretary gave it to me. I was so nervous..but once I saw that 5, I was okay. Sheesh. I hate feeling like that. Then there's this other thing under the category of "weight." Okay, I know I have gained weight, but keep it to your goddamn selves. I don't need to hear it. So if you know what kind of numbers that's referring to, you get my point.


Dancing..*le sigh* I loved the party, thanks to all the people who made it happen. I loved it..and I loved how I could dance without having to make it "look good." Just letting loose was awesome.

Love..haha. More on this subject later. But if you would like to leave me love notes, let me know how you feel about it. Yeah, it's complicated, but I want to know what you guys think.

Monday, July 04, 2005

christmas in july

Hello loves.

Life has been pretty busy, so sorry for the no update. This was due to my lack of a computer the past week and a half. I must admit, I enjoyed having no computer and no television.

Anyways, I have come to terms with my job. I pretty much like it now, only because of my co-workers. They are too awesome. <3.

Today I finally dismantled the christmas tree in our old basement and we moved the last of our boxes into the new house. I am officially moved into my new house now. I love it so much. I have space now..and I've also discovered my childhood belongings, which are great to look through! I have also discovered that I love reading in my bathtub =] Quite relaxing.

I thought I had lost interest in tennis, but after watching Wimbledon the past week, I love it for than ever. I was so happy that Venus won..this morning, I set my alarm for my "Wimbledon breakfast" but sadly I overslept till 8am, so I missed the first set. Oh well, I had to see Andy lose, but Roger was clearly the better player. What a great sport. I hope to become better at it.

I had my senior pictures done. How lovely! I haven't seen them yet, but the experience was well worth it all. I felt like someone important..all dressed up and stuff. =)

I had my birthday party the day after. I had so much fun and I was so happy. Although the day didn't start well, the night was the best..seeing all my favorite people in one place was everything I wanted. I hope everyone else had as much fun as I did. My brother loved my friends, which made me feel good too. He said he could tell that I was loved and cared about deeply from everyone. I love you guys so much. Thanks.

I also got my first paycheck yesterday. It felt so liberating, like I was finally doing something with my life. Most of it's going for the Europe trip funding. Exciting!

Although I am worried about many things, I feel as though I need to take it day by day.

Also, I noticed I have this weird thing about me. Probably happens with you ever feel attracted to someone that you don't really know that well? And that person is the complete opposite of what you imagined you would end up being with? I think that happens to me all too often. I also realized that I have a big imagination.

Argh. I hate talking about my problems, because they seem so petty. I mean, who cares? There are so many other things going on in the world and I am probably the luckiest person. Jeez..I am one selfish person. And no, I am not fishing for compliments.