“Have you ever had someone steal your heart away
You'd give anything to make them feel the same”
How are you all? Doing well, I hope =] This summer has been so much fun so far. It started out great with all the graduation parties, and seeing everyone every day-no matter how many times a day-was just so great. I honestly don’t know what I will do at the end of summer.
Mm, work is work. There are some days I don’t want to leave and some days I just want to scream if I have to say, “Have a good day sir,” one more time. Ah, well. I love and cherish my days off now. I want to fill up every day of summer doing something and so far, I think I’ve been doing a pretty good job :) I’ve been trying to hang out with everyone, do errands, and work out.
It was so good seeing Vitaly, Yuriy, and Laura. It seemed like they were gone for a very long time. I loved hearing all their stories. *sighhhh* I want to go somewhere.
I went shopping today and found a cute party dress for my birthday! I’m excited.
Oh, I also saw the late show of Cars. It was pretty cute, but there are better ones made by Disney and Pixar.
Annnd, I love sports so much. I hope you guys have been watching the World Cup! It is too exciting. Haha, even though
This is fun, I’ll try to update more often. It’s so easy writing in my journal—can you believe I’ve kept one since the sixth grade?—but it’s so hard typing stuff out. Haha, I don’t know what I’m saying.
Sorry this entry is so random.
Edit!! Haha, I have a couple pictures!

I really need to figure out the World Cup schedule. I suppose I could just turn on the TV...but I've developed some kind of tv-phobia or something. I'm sure that has a name, but I'd rather not know what it is. ;)
I'm glad you're keeping busy....and really glad I'll be around for your birthday. :)
Of course I've been watching the world cup!!
Going places is so much fun, but sometimes you gotta be careful what u wish for. Cuz I wanted to go somewhere, like u, and now I am. And I'm missing ur party to boot :(
Glad to hear ur filling up ur summer, u should tell me ur secret!
Your pics are quite cute, btw.
heeey. i'm stalking you from createblog.com
i used one of your layouts which i absolutely LOVE. but, i was wondering if you could help me with something.
there are no links for archived posts or comments. i tried changing some of the coding around but i guess i didnt change the right things because i can't get anything to work. do you think you could help me?
thanks, i appreciate it so much! ^_^
teesa! i'm in a pickle. i love adrien brody, but i kinda want to marry duhwayne. oh, and i also want to marry one of these soccer players, preferably from brasil. so many options...so many options.
oh, and btw, did u catch game 5? it was frikkin amazing! like seriously, i don't think i've ever been on such an emotional roller coaster. game six tonight! can you feel the heat? (pun intended)
Hey Teesa!
I realized that I have never commented on your blog! How is your summer going? I loved your pics, they were adorable. I hope you're relaxing and having a great time after all your hard IB work. I can't believe I still have a whole year left. This stinks...I already have senioritis and the school year hasn't even started! Curses! Well, anyway, I am writing to you from Greeley. I've been here since June 11th and am leaving this Friday! I can't believe how fast six weeks flew by. I am so excited to go to India this Saturday! WOOP WOOP! Alright, well peace out!
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