capturing one moment.
Only if life could be as sweet as it is now. I wish that I could stay in one moment..that one special moment where everything is're with the right people, the place is perfect, and you just know that when it's done, it will become a great memory.
The past few days have just been remarkably great. I haven't felt so happy in a long while..and now I really don't want summer to end.
On Saturday, I went down to the denver public library to do research on my EE and get lots of books. I felt incredibly happy..I haven't been to that library in almost five years. I seriously almost started dancing on those shiny wood floors. A smile kept creeping up on my face the entire time I was there..then on the way home, I loved passing those shops downtown spelled like "shoppe" and the cute little barbershop stand with half empty chairs waiting for customers.
work that day was even good..I brought extra clothes to change and went to the clubhouse..I had so much fun that night. I love being with the friends that are honestly my family. I loved being able to just lay down on the pool chairs in the dark..since some stranger shut off the pool lights. I loved looking at the beautiful sky, rich with stars. I loved being able to close my eyes and listening to the familiar voices, telling stories and secrets. I loved being able to walk down the road, without a care and probably waking up neighbors in the process, with the people that I have loved since..forever, it seems. I loved being able to run around like children..and act like grown-ups to the younger ones. And I loved being able to enjoy the presence of my elders..they are so proud of me, I just love them all so much. Gosh, how I wished I could live in that moment.
On Sunday, I had my second eight-hour shift..and I didn't complain. My co-workers are absolutely brilliant. I found out that I am in love..with a handsome young man with the name of Jeremy Bloom <3 Maybe I will apply to C.U. haha.
Today I had one of the best times as well. My brother and I arranged a brother/sister outing. We woke up early and he took us first to stop by the IMAX theater, to check out the times and buy the tickets. Then he took us to the denver public library where we read..well, actually, he read, while I ran around outside taking pictures :) But I did manage to sneak in a few pages of 100 years. We stopped by the art museum, only to find that it's closed on mondays..but that did not stop me from taking pictures..haha. Then, we had a wonderful lunch at chipotle. We stopped by the hospital, then went down to the IMAX theatre. We saw: The Mystery of the Nile. Even before the film started, the whole experience just thrilled me. When I walked in, and saw those rows and aisles of seats up to the very top, memories instantly flooded me..of school field trips..where we just had to be sure where every one of our friends were sitting, where we switched seats countless number of times, and where we sat with our mouths open, amazed at what we were seeing. Well, to be honest, I really don't think anyone in that theatre enjoyed that film as much as I did. If you know me really well, you know that the place I have always wanted to go to has been Egypt. The film seriously brought tears to my eyes--even though it wasn't sad--the images, music, just everything was so compelling. I loved every second of it.
please check out the pictures of my beautiful day here:
I now wonder if I can live a better life without all these restrictions and guidelines. I mean, what if I don't go to school? I think I would learn so much more..I think my life would be far greater than it is least to me. These past few days have really opened my eyes. Hm..