another year older.
well, let's get maintenance out of the way. I added new modules//be sure to click on the one campaign link and sign up please =] and I'm going to add a new hayden christensen layout, but it will probably go on my xanga.
So my 17th birthday was yesterday. thanks to everyone who called and gave me was all too sweet and too nice for words. I love it how just for one day, a single person can experience so much love and they don't have to feel selfish about it (: My brother also took me to see Star Wars//Episode III again on Saturday. It was even better the second time around. Ahhh, I love Hayden Christensen toooooo much. haha, I'm sounding like a little kid, so sorry!
Anyways, I went on a mini shopping spree for my birthday present and also had time to purchase an unread Roald Dahl book..yay. One Hundred Years of Solitude was getting a little boring.
I know I said that something was missing, but that space is starting to fade a little. I thought I needed something physical, but I think I am content with my friends around. I love you guys so much. <3
and I am going to start working on that list of things to do. if you guys have any good ideas of what to add, please tell me.
p.s. I have currently gone icon crazy..again. triv, hope you like some of these! I decided to share my favorite ones with you. mind you, I am not talented enough to make these, but I am going to start.

haha, that's enough for now.
edit//okay, here are a couple for you Triveni. Sorry, they suck..I'm a beginner at this, so give me time =] And it was hard to find good pictures of him, so if you have any send them to me. I also didn't know what to write on them, so tell me that also.

So my 17th birthday was yesterday. thanks to everyone who called and gave me was all too sweet and too nice for words. I love it how just for one day, a single person can experience so much love and they don't have to feel selfish about it (: My brother also took me to see Star Wars//Episode III again on Saturday. It was even better the second time around. Ahhh, I love Hayden Christensen toooooo much. haha, I'm sounding like a little kid, so sorry!
Anyways, I went on a mini shopping spree for my birthday present and also had time to purchase an unread Roald Dahl book..yay. One Hundred Years of Solitude was getting a little boring.
I know I said that something was missing, but that space is starting to fade a little. I thought I needed something physical, but I think I am content with my friends around. I love you guys so much. <3
and I am going to start working on that list of things to do. if you guys have any good ideas of what to add, please tell me.
p.s. I have currently gone icon crazy..again. triv, hope you like some of these! I decided to share my favorite ones with you. mind you, I am not talented enough to make these, but I am going to start.

haha, that's enough for now.
edit//okay, here are a couple for you Triveni. Sorry, they suck..I'm a beginner at this, so give me time =] And it was hard to find good pictures of him, so if you have any send them to me. I also didn't know what to write on them, so tell me that also.

Did you get my text? I kinda didn't wanna bother you on father's day and all...
Wow, how do you do that with the icons? and where do you get the pictures from? I've tried to do it with paint, but I don't get exactly the same effect. You must come over and show me what you are doing, because I think the icon thing is tres cool.
I'm stealing some, hope ya don't mind :)
PS could you please make me one or two really good Daniel Radcliffe ones? Just unitl I figure out what the heck I'm doing...
love ya tons!!
PPS I'm glad your void is filling up ;)
AAH They are awesome, I love em love em love em. oh, he is so cute!
Thanks a bunch Teesa, they're great!
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